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Coronavirus/ Layoff

Coronavirus/ Layoff

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

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Coronavirus/ Layoff

Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Delaying an Early May Start Date

At this point in time, the UAW does not believe the scientific data is conclusive that it is safe to have our members back in the workplace. We have not done enough testing to really understand the threat our members face. We want to make sure the scientific data is supportive and every possible health protocols and enhanced protections are in place before UAW members walk into the workplace...

Read More Statement from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Delaying an Early May Start Date
Coronavirus/ Layoff

Union vs. Nonunion in Today’s World: A Stark Difference

What does it really mean to have a voice in your workplace? The extraordinary global crisis that we are all facing has put this into sharp focus. And at the forefront of this pandemic are essential workers -- those front line employees in hospitals, grocery stores, transportation industries, security and firefighters, warehouses, construction sites and more. For those who are union members with a collective bargaining agreement, their voices are heard. The power of union representation allows them to demand safety improvements, have a say in their workplace, their schedules and so much more. In short, they have a voice that is heard, something that non-union workers lack.

Read More Union vs. Nonunion in Today’s World: A Stark Difference
Coronavirus/ Layoff

COVID-19 Update 4/22/2020

My Sisters and Brothers, In my message today, I’d like to talk a little more personally about this extraordinary time in our history and the resilience of my UAW family. I have been with this union for more than 40 years, starting out in the plant as a young man. Like most of us, I have never seen anything like what we’re facing today and could never have anticipated living through times like these. I know that so many of you, like me, have lost loved ones and are grieving those losses. And I know you worry everyday about your families, your communities and what the coming weeks will mean for us all.

Read More COVID-19 Update 4/22/2020